Dear Teresa

In the heart of your grief journey, it is crucial to embrace the truth that You Are Not Alone.

You may have felt the feeling of isolation. You may have said or heard that voice in your head saying “no one understands”. Although the loss stories could be similar, your grief journey is as unique as you are.  Amid your loss, the weight of solitude can often feel overwhelming, and it is within the sharing of stories, collective empathy, and the communal journey towards healing that our greatest strength can be found.

Connecting with a community that resonates with you can become the core piece of your healing process. I believe in the power of shared experiences and stories as vital components of healthy healing.

3 Tips to breaking through Isolation:

Sharing Your Story:  I encourage you to share your journey, the highs, and the lows, with a community. It is in sharing that we often find unexpected moments of healing and connection.

Listening to Others:  Just as your story holds power, so does listening to the experiences of others. There is comfort in recognizing the common threads that bind us in our human experience of loss and resilience.

Finding Your Tribe: Whether it is joining a support group, engaging in an online group, attending virtual meetings, or hiring a grief specialist, finding a space where you feel understood can be a crucial step in your healing journey.



As I focus on the Not Alone aspect of our journey this month, I hope to cultivate a deeper sense of connection and community. It is in the shared experiences, the collective empathy, and the mutual support that we find not only solace but also the strength to continue moving forward, one step at a time.

Remember, You Matter:  In every tear shed, in every moment of silence, and in every story shared, your journey is important, and I am holding space here for you to find comfort, inspiration, and the strength to move forward.


My goal is to foster a sense of not being alone, understanding, and hope. Grief changes us, and it can also lead to profound growth and resilience. Through this newsletter, I hope to provide a space where you can find comfort, inspiration, and the strength to move forward.

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Together, we can navigate the challenging waters of grief and find the courage to rebuild our lives. I hope to be an anchor in the waves to give you a steady foundation to heal.

  Hope and Healing,

Teresa Reiniger

Grief Resilience Specialist with Living After Grief




 “My mission is to work with compassionate grieving women to navigate their path of grief, fostering resilience and finding clarity and understanding in their journey. My role as a Grief Resilience Specialist is to support them in reclaiming their freedom to live fully and to cultivate a deeper sense of trust in themselves as they move through the healing process."


When you are ready, here are a few more ways I can empower you on your grief journey:

  1. You can check out my podcast: Resilient Moms: Hope, Healing & Living After Loss. Resilient Moms Podcast is for women who have experienced trauma & grief from an infertility journey or loss of a child during pregnancy or childhood. We explore the complex emotions that come with loss & we focus on hope, healing & finding joy amidst the pain. This is the right place; if you are a grieving mom, a family member or someone seeking to understand and support those who have experienced loss.

Podcast Click Here: 

Book a Discovery Session: During this session we will:

  • Help you get clear on your vision.
  • Help you identify what has been holding you back the most.
  • Assess where you are currently.
  • Help you gain clarity on your commitment to yourself and your vision.

If you would like to connect with me, click link to schedule a time to talk.

Book A Call:

Teresa Reiniger
Living After Grief